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Happy Holidays, Here We Come!

Santa Tiger

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Happy Holidays, Here We Come!

Dear Reader,

As an author who still works the day job in education, I have to admit the impending holidays of Christmas and the New Year still carry the same childish expectations for me at the end of the Autumn break. I can't wait to get out of school again, start my vacation, and enjoy the festive occasions.

But before all that, I must return to work and deal with the end of the semester, grades, and finals. It's always a stressful situation, and by the time the holidays finally arrive, unlike when I was a child, I'm usually exhausted.

This year, I hope to rest a day or two and spend the rest of my holiday with books, music, and splendid company, and I hope all those who read this missive do something they love this season. Merry Christmas from the dream...

Behind the scenes

Behind the Scenes

It's terrible practice, but I created and uploaded a lot of videos for the Royal Council miniseries and the Mystic Dark miniseries over last weekend. After posting them on YouTube, I then uploaded them to OK videos and distributed them as blog posts on Blogger. So, if you haven't perused them, please check them out, and subscribe to the YouTube channel to get notified every time the new videos post.

I promise not to spam the channel often as I did this past weekend. Usually, I only post one video a day, but I needed to set up some things, so I'm ready to post chapters of Vampire Panther and Haunted Echoes. I hope I have alienated none of my subscribers, but for all who've been with me for a while, you'll know I work around the day job.

I'd be remiss if I didn't mention Synner & Sainte here as well. I'm still posting chapters of that title every weekend to Apocalypse Denied, so if devils and harems are more your thing, I hope you'll enjoy that miniseries as well.

Vampire Panther will post each weekend as well, and chapter one should go up this weekend. I know you're going to love Ryker Talbert.

Cross your fingers. I'm attempting to post Haunted Echoes one or two chapters a day until it's finished. Then I'll take a break before I get Ruined Hearts and then Shattered Souls ready to do the same thing. I'd like to have the prequel trilogy posted before Dec. 15, 2023, when Grim Dark publishes.

The Newsletter

7 Reasons to Join The Newsletter

Far more people read the shenanigans I get up to on the blog than join the newsletter. I get it. The inbox overload is serious, and I'm a bit of a minimalist with that stuff. But I had to take a minute to present to you some benefits of joining my newsletter friends.

  1. The newsletter arrives on the weekend. So you can take your time to read it.
  2. It usually has a link to the blog post so you don't miss any of the behind-the-scenes stuff.
  3. It comes with AI audio and video, just in case listening or watching fits in with the workout or leisure stroll.
  4. I often post Story Descriptions, Character Introductions, and Sneak Peek chapters of stories.
  5. Newsletter friends get FREE stories. (BookFunnel delivers).
  6. Newsletter friends get FREE exclusive stories only they can access.
  7. When I send random newsletters, they will have special discounts, news of new releases, or opportunities to grab stories before others get them.

If you enjoy the stories, want to support an indie author, or just need a little slice of the dream, I'd love to have you join the newsletter, claim all the free benefits, and ask if you want to help make the dream better. I love comments, replies, questions, ideas, and suggestions. I could always use reviews and need ARC team members.

Buy Their Book

On that note, I'll cut this post short as I have a lot of editing to slog through. More story chapters need to be posted, so as always, please be kind and leave your reviews when you read. Until we chat again, Welcome to the dream...

Be Careful!

Happy Reading,

Ophelia Kee

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Purchase the Miniseries

Kingdom Rising (Complete)

Royal Council Miniseries (in progress)

Mystic Dark Miniseries (in progress) 

Apocalypse Denied (in progress) 

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