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End of the Year Report

Mystic Dark Miniseries cover

End of the Year Report

Dear Reader,

Is it finally December 15, 2023? Yes! I may have waited for this date longer and with more anticipation than I once waited for Christmas as a child. Grim Dark has exited the languishing purgatory I placed it in months ago. I promise never to do that again. It's finally posted to the Mystic Dark Miniseries.

Sadly, Grim Dark will still never get the love it deserves as a proper series opener. Mainly because it took so long to kick start the Mystic Dark Miniseries due entirely to my own inept blunders.

It's all good though, because I wrote the Mystic Dark Prequel Trilogy: Haunted Echoes, Ruined Hearts, and Shattered Souls. I did it! Celebrate the high with me! They have all posted just in time, and are FREE for the Holidays. Enjoy the novellas for a limited time. I'm proud of them.

I may post them as preorders while I format them and get the paperback covers ready to go. Eventually, I'll release them as an ebook trilogy boxed set. I promise no more ridiculous thoughts of Kindle Vella or Kindle Unlimited. The tiger in me can't handle the restrictions. I'm looking into other promotional opportunities for next year. Speaking of which, I promised you some reports, but first a word from our sponsor.

Grim Dark Book Cover

Shameless Self Promotion

Grim Dark

Mystic Dark - Opener

Winning the battle with the Reaper was only the beginning of the story

Sold into bondage to save the rest of the family, Lyella accepted her fate until her ghost magic found a handsome gryphon knight in the dream. Planning her escape wasn’t the problem. It was finding her gryphon.

Broken in battle, Sinclair took up arms against Death to gain one last chance at everything, only to be noticed by the Queen of the dream. The elves did her bidding and rescued a fading immortal, leaving one gryphon knight with an unpayable debt.

Service to the elvish lords at Asylum granted Sinclair an opportunity to find his mate, but also set him on a strange search and rescue mission. The quarry: a man destined to become the last Vampire King. The mission: ensure the vampire fulfills his destiny. It’s all according to an ancient prophecy, but it must end the way the elves want it, rather than the way a devil wrote it.

Grim Dark is the opening tale for the dark urban fantasy miniseries, Mystic Dark. Set in the dream, this spinoff story from the Draoithe Saga begins the tale of how one lone vampire must alter the Unlikely Kings Prophecy to aid the balance of magic. If you love powerful magic wielding shifters and sexy dark vampire royalty, read Grim Dark and begin an all new urban fantasy adventure.

It’s more than a story; it’s an experience. Welcome to the dream…

Dark Urban Fantasy with Steamy Paranormal Romance Fated Mates 18+ HEA! NC!

***Warning: Adult Themes, Fantasy Violence, and/or Explicit Sexual Situations. Intended for a Mature Audience.

Behind the Scenes Stage Curtain Closed

Behind the Scenes

I wanted to take a few minutes to list the successes in the dream. I haven't made fat stacks of cash from my stories, so I hope you weren't hoping I was about to report the income statement. It's the same gas money every month that it's been for years. I can't afford ads and I lack time to promote properly without money. The day job still reigns supreme, but despite the negative, I'm excited.

Magic Scroll

First, The Blog, Newsletter and Social Media Report

Over the summer, I got serious about my newsletter and learned how it should function. I think.

(Thanks to everyone who has been with me for years and wondered what was going on.)

This year, I've published 68 blog posts between Ophelia Kee Speaks and Videos from the Dream. Offered to my newsletter friends every Saturday, I don't think I managed a post every weekend, but I've definitely come close. I hope I manage it next year. I think I finally have a system for posting them which works for me. So score a point for consistency!

I stopped posting on Medium. I started a Substack, but after months of posting, I feel as if that may not be the platform for me. The blog still posts on Blogger because I can post the YouTube vlog and copy this content. But it's always a day late there. I need it for the RSS feed and the SEO.

YouTube hosts all the videos. So if you enjoy the video content, please subscribe to my channel. I have a blast creating the videos. I'm debating posting the AI audiobooks there as well.

I still post to Facebook, X, and Pinterest regularly, but I interact little. I spend most of my time on Threads. It fits me well. So if you're looking for me, I'll be on those sites. I still don't get the point of Discord. You can't post anything to Instagram from anywhere except TikTok. I like YouTube better than TikTok, so you can guess what happened to Instagram. I'm still there, but I post randomly with no consistency.

Woman Writing

Second, The Miniseries Report

Within the last few years, I've slowly purchased the tools to help me do all the things to publish higher quality stories. Earlier this year, I made the executive decision to take down most of the Draoithe Saga, thoroughly edit, refine the tales, sort them into manageable miniseries, get new covers, and republish them.

I can say it's been a challenge. Of the well over 69 titles previously published, I have republished 9 of them. I'm taking my time. Each couple has their own dedicated tale with cameo appearances in later tales. All the editing of the older titles has significantly improved my current writing and the stories are much cleaner when I wrap up the manuscripts now.

It was scary pulling the plug on everything I'd done in the past, but I can honestly say it was worthwhile. The stories are not only cleaner and easier to read; I refined them and collected them into themed miniseries, so the read order is more clearly defined and less overwhelming. The size of your bookcase matters, but I need more ways to leverage the content. Which is why, although I publish wide and make most of the gas money each month that way, my focus is on my site.

As I edit, I'm posting the episodes in a serial format on The first miniseries, Kingdom Rising, is complete. Three other miniseries are currently publishing, and I'm setting up the skeleton for a fourth one. Eventually, I'd like all the stories to have a module home in a miniseries with all the episodes and extras, become an ebook, a paperback, a hardback where possible, and also be an audiobook. It's happening, one story at a time.

I started a subscription from my site. For a monthly fee, any reader can support my efforts and read it all. At the moment, there's not that much content, but within a year, the subscription will overflow with story descriptions, story episodes, character introductions, scenes from the cutting room floor, lexicons, world building art, random bits of verse, charts/graphs, audio content, video content, and more. I'm still working on the cookbook, the timeline, and other merchandising concepts.

Kingdom Rising Ebook cover

Third, The Books

This was the year I finally built an ebook boxed set. When I published the first 4 books, I had the tools to build this outstanding set. I won't hit the goal this year of finishing the edits on the Royal Council Miniseries. It will complete next year, so another boxed set is coming soon!

I have republished 9 books. Each one has a Google AI audiobook available and will soon have an Apple edition if I can learn to navigate the system. I'm hopeful I can upload the Google version to BookFunnel and have that version available for purchase from soon.

All the stories also have a paperback version and those of novel length have a hardcover edition as well. I would like to sell physical copies from my store in the future, but that may be a 2025 move.

All the stories are available for purchase directly from me, on all the major retailers, and are also available from libraries. I will continue to publish wide.There are two, possibly three, more exclusive stories coming to next year, and I haven't forgotten my newsletter friends. Master of Destiny is nearing completion. It will be exclusive for my newsletter friends. I'm hoping to have it available along with the other tales in the Gods of the Dream epilogue series in both ebook format and as a miniseries, but I'm working on how to make that possible.

Buy Their Book Poster

It's been a banner year! I hope you'll enjoy reading the prequel tales on Mystic Dark. I also hope you're as excited about what's next for the dream as I am. If you are looking for a sale, checkout the Smashwords end-of-year sale where every title is 50% off. As always, I'll leave you with my fervent plea: when you read, please be kind and leave your reviews. If you've read any of the tales in the Draoithe Saga, please leave a kind review on any of the retailers or on my site. Until we talk again, welcome to the dream...

Be Careful!

Happy reading,

Ophelia Kee

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Purchase the Miniseries

Kingdom Rising (Complete)

Royal Council Miniseries (in progress)

Mystic Dark Miniseries (in progress) 

Apocalypse Denied (in progress) 

Just Let Me Read the Dream

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Thank you for your support! Welcome to the dream… Sincerely, -OK