Scrolling and Writing - Aug 2, 2024
Dear Reader,
In Audiobook Publishing News:
I'm posting chapters of the audiobooks to YouTube, and I started with Thread. I want to post it all before I must return to the day job. Then I will attempt to post at least one chapter a week until the Kingdom Rising Miniseries is available for readers. If you enjoy all the shenanigans and would like to listen to the stories, please like and subscribe to @OpheliaKee and check out the Kingdom Rising playlist for the audiobook chapters. I'm posting them one at a time because of the length of the stories and the considerable upload time required for each chapter. Please leave your kind comments and let me know what you think.
In Serial Publishing News:
Kingdom Rising posted a new video extra. I know. I said it was complete, but obviously the muse thought differently. That's why I reserve all the rights. The Draoithe Saga is a living document, and I am drawn into the dream in ways I never imagined.
Chapters are currently posting to Nephilim's Claim in the Valkyrie Riders Miniseries. Smoke amuses me. He's nosey and always allowing his curiosity to get him into trouble. Only in the Leaindeail, the price he pays for his busybody ways is often his life.
I've bitten off more than I can chew once again with Gods of the Dream and Lost One. Considering the audiobook project on YouTube, I'm abandoning the video story idea for Lost One. It's too long, and my video skills are too amateur. I will attempt video stories again, but with flash fiction. Lost One will continue posting chapters to the serial and will publish soon.
A New Marketplace
Payhip launched a new marketplace. I thought I was prepared, but I was sooo not prepared. I mean, I did the things to post all the ebooks and audiobooks, but I didn't realize how different product images should be from actual cover art. Needless to say, this was something I could control and correct, so I spent an entire day creating new product imagery for all the listings. I think I fixed it, but I may still need to tweak the ebook images.
I feel the audiobook images came out wonderfully. So when you have time to check out the Payhip Marketplace, click on the Fiction Books, then fantasy, and you will find all the currently published titles there. Or you can search for whatever you may seek. It's only digital products at the moment, but I'm hopeful it will change soon. The idea of merchandise remains in my mind. An integration with a print on demand company like Printful or Teespring would be a good idea as well.
Videos in the Dream
This is an excerpt from Arctic Fox, the opening short story in the Royal Council Miniseries. It’s a little sneak peek snippet. In this tale, I let the readers see how Fox met Artie. It’s a bit of their back story and a segue to the vampires’ entry into Draoithe.
In this scene, Fox discovers Artie is nowhere to be found. He believes she has left him, but some things don’t add up. He’s left with all the anxiety, heartbreak, and self doubt which accompanies a breakup. Sitting in the empty room, Duncan wonders where he went wrong.
The story doesn’t end there. It’s a paranormal romance, so there must be a happy-ever-after ending. He gives chase. She is everything, and even if she doesn’t want him, Duncan can’t live without knowing she’s safe… I’ll leave you to find out how the vampire fits in this tale.
I enjoy the dream, and creating the snippet cards and quote videos are as much fun as writing the original story, only in a different creative vein. This is one reason I remain independent. I’m not finished with the Draoithe Saga, even though I wrote this part years ago.
The convoluted, interwoven stories, cameo and foreshadowed appearances of other characters, and the different directions of the subplots all play a part in dragging me back to this fantasy world every time.
If a dark urban fantasy with paranormal romance as a prophecy driven saga intrigues you as well, then by all means: Welcome to the dream…
Scrolling and Writing - A Sneak Peek at Master of Destiny, WIP
It all started with breakfast… The words at the edge of a post I didn't really read as I scrolled through Substack. They inspired a bit of a breakthrough. (Sorry to whoever posted that. I will look for the note again. Thank you to whoever posted the inspiration for the next scene in Master of Destiny had eluded me. This is a skeletal-rough, muse demand.)
Eli Miller
There was a bit of meat stuck in her teeth and blood clung to her fur. A swim was in order. It couldn't have held off another day? The need to consume the raw flesh of an animal wasn’t something she had time for, nor was her favorite way to begin her day, but the magic got what it wanted.
The meeting to deal with a rogue vampiric dryad meant a little more decorum was in order. She shouldn't appear as a wild predator if she wanted the dragon's help.
After a good swim, she pulled her clothes from the dream as she shifted forms. She wasn't about to greet him by looking less than her regal best.
The remnants of the deer carcass receded behind her as she debated an Irish black or a chai vanilla tea with cream. A honey blonde woman, who was sometimes a tiger, walked into the log house, which resembled a cross between a ski resort and a castle.
The tiger hissed under her breath as she entered the downstairs left hallway of her home.
“That golden dragon doesn't follow orders easily. His title went to his head and finding his Valkyrie makes him decidedly dragonesque.”
Her servant bowed as he opened the door to the great room with an enormous round table right on cue. It was a strange relationship between them. She rescued him from the wrath of the Dire Wolf King and he worked like a dog for her. But the criminal dragonsworn servant always served her with unparalleled loyalty. Sometimes his service irritated her. Right then, she appreciated Jingles’ attention to the details.
“My lady, you look irritated. May I aid you?”
“It all started with breakfast, Jingles. Bring a tea and coffee tray, please. I'm going to need it.”
Jingles bowed and dashed off as Eli walked into the room and faced the last diamond dust dragon, still worrying about that bit of meat stuck in her teeth.
So I'm cutting this post here. It's incredibly long. I don't think a shorter long form is working. Some of this post appeared on Substack in pieces along the way in notes, but I must admit to being overwhelmed attempting to keep up with it. I'm afraid things should continue as they always have for now. Until next weekend, please remember to leave your kind reviews when you read. You are always welcome to the dream...
Be Careful!
Happy reading,
Ophelia Kee
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Thank you for your support! Welcome to the dream… Sincerely, -OK
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